KIHOMAC (DUNS 137768482 / UEI U61MKRKMVQN3) is a GSA ASTRO prime contractor in the Development/Systems Integration Pool.

ASTRO is a broadly scoped series of contract vehicles encompassing virtually all services supporting or involving manned, unmanned, or optionally manned platforms and robotics.

ASTRO is administered by the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Office of Assisted Acquisition Service (AAS) FEDSIM Organization. It is a family of ten separate, individual, Multiple Award (MA), Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts. ASTRO orders may only be placed by authorized contracting officers within GSA’s Assisted Acquisition Service.

We are an aerospace engineering organization focused on sustaining U.S. investments in aerospace systems through complete life cycle support.  We deliver an exceptional range of aircraft engineering, modification, integration, and installation services from the A-10 to the C-5, the C-130, F-16, F-22, KC-135, HH-60, CV-22, MQ-9, and ICBMs.

We specialize in engineering, manufacturing and repair efforts focused on platform customization and sustainment to keep weapon systems effective against current threats. Through our mission-critical Department of Defense (DoD) work, KIHOMAC has expanded into demanding and precision battlespace domains that include, space and weather data, automotive, software development, geographic information systems, and unmanned platform support.

KIHOMAC capabilities related to ASTRO include:

For more information, contact Contracts Manager Timothy Strong at 478-291-2414 or

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