C-5 Seats



KIHOMAC provided a Technical Data Package (TDP) for the overhaul of C-5 Crew and Passenger seats which included updating manuals, designing specialized tooling and prototypes of several seat types.

Throttle quadrant

C-5 Seats

C-5 Crew & Passenger Seats

KIHOMAC was awarded a contract to provide a Technical Data Package (TDP) for the overhaul of C-5 Crew and Passenger seats. This included a rewritten Technical Order with revised illustrations. KIHOMAC also updated assembly and maintenance instructions, designing specialized tooling, test equipment, and prototypes of each type of seat:

Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Engineer/Navigator, Observer, 2-Passenger, and 3-Passenger.



KIHOMAC is an Aerospace Engineering & Manufacturing company that, among its many disciplines, includes extensive experience with reverse engineering, and technical data development.

C-5 Throttle Quadrant

In addition to the C-5 Crew and Passenger Seat contract, KIHOMAC was awarded a contract to perform engineering analysis of the C-5 Throttle Quadrant. We provided source data for a Technical Data Package (TDP) serving the overhaul of the C-5 Throttle Quadrant Secondary Flight Control Assembly. Our team conducted engineering evaluations to determine what repairs, inspections, refurbishments, and replacements were needed for the overhaul. We identified several discrepancies and developed a series of corresponding repair procedures. We designed and manufactured special tooling, structural repairs, functional test fixtures and three Depot-Level Overhaul Manuals.

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